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Педијатрија и пулмоалергологија

Д-р. Спец. Субспец. Татјана Баевска Вучковиќ

Педијатар – Пулмоалерголог

поликлиника медицина 1

Интерна и семејна медицина

Д-р Зоран Михајловски

Со повеќе од 35 години работно искуство како доктор, ментор и началник на 27 специјалисти интернисти.


Д-р Ирена Гошева

Специјалист по гинекологија и акушерство.

Ординации во Биотек Поликлиника

Трансфузиона медицина

Доц. Д-р Емилија Велкова

Специјалист по трансфузиона медицина.


Интерна медицина

Д-р сци мед. Славица Митровска

Специјалист по интерна медицина

Весна Илиевска


Д-р Весна Илиевска

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Медицина на трудот

Медицина на труд

Д-р Анита Цветковска

Специјалист по медицина на труд.

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Title: Enhancing Patient Care: A Guide for Doctors at Polyclinic Biotek Skopje

As esteemed healthcare providers at Polyclinic Biotek Skopje, your dedication to patient well-being is paramount. Each interaction holds the potential to alleviate suffering, offer solace, and contribute to the overall health of our community. This guide is crafted to equip you with insights and strategies aimed at enhancing patient care, fostering trust, and ensuring positive outcomes.

Empathy and Compassion:
At the heart of exceptional patient care lies empathy and compassion. Endeavor to understand each patient’s unique circumstances, fears, and aspirations. Empathetic listening fosters trust and encourages patients to openly communicate their concerns. Remember, a compassionate approach can ease the burden of illness and instill hope in even the most challenging situations.

Effective Communication:
Clear and concise communication is essential for establishing rapport and facilitating understanding. Use plain language to explain medical concepts, treatments, and prognoses. Encourage patients to ask questions and address any uncertainties they may have. Moreover, ensure that communication extends beyond verbal exchanges, encompassing non-verbal cues such as eye contact and body language, which convey empathy and attentiveness.

Cultural Sensitivity:
Skopje boasts a rich cultural tapestry, with patients hailing from diverse backgrounds. Recognize and respect cultural differences, including beliefs, values, and healthcare practices. Cultivate cultural competence by familiarizing yourself with customs prevalent among various ethnic groups. Embracing diversity enriches patient-provider relationships and promotes inclusivity within our healthcare ecosystem.

Holistic Care:
Adopt a holistic approach to patient care, recognizing the interconnectedness of physical, emotional, and social well-being. Beyond treating symptoms, strive to address the root causes of illness and promote overall wellness. Collaborate with interdisciplinary teams to provide comprehensive care tailored to each patient’s needs. Emphasize preventive measures and lifestyle modifications to empower patients in taking charge of their health.

Patient Education:
Empower patients to become active participants in their healthcare journey through education and shared decision-making. Provide accessible resources, such as pamphlets, videos, and online portals, to supplement verbal instructions. Foster health literacy by simplifying medical jargon and explaining treatment options in layman’s terms. Encourage patients to set realistic goals and support them in making informed choices that align with their values and preferences.

Continuous Improvement:
Commit to lifelong learning and professional development to stay abreast of advancements in medical science and best practices. Participate in continuing medical education (CME) programs, workshops, and conferences to enhance your clinical skills and broaden your knowledge base. Embrace feedback from peers, patients, and supervisors as opportunities for growth and refinement. By continually striving for excellence, you contribute to the advancement of healthcare standards at Polyclinic Biotek Skopje.

Ethical Considerations:
Uphold the highest ethical standards in all your interactions with patients, colleagues, and stakeholders. Respect patient autonomy, confidentiality, and privacy rights at all times. Adhere to evidence-based practices and avoid conflicts of interest that may compromise patient care or professional integrity. Act with integrity and transparency, fostering a culture of trust and accountability within our healthcare community.

As ambassadors of healing and compassion, your role as doctors at Polyclinic Biotek Skopje extends far beyond diagnosing and treating medical conditions. By embodying empathy, communication, cultural sensitivity, and a commitment to continuous improvement, you have the power to transform lives and uplift communities. Together, let us strive to provide exemplary patient care that embodies the core values of our profession and fosters a healthier, more resilient society.



