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ЕКГ (Педијатрија)
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Апликација на терапија-венска (Педијатрија)
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Специјалистички преглед со ЕКГ (интерна медицина)
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Ехокардиографија со доплер
Холтер за 24 часовен притисок
Холтер 24 часовен за ЕКГ
Медицинска потврда (интерна медицина)
Совет за исхрана и диета
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Лекарскo уверениe за работоспособност
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Zakazete vo nekoj od nasite specijalisticki oddeli:
Ginekoloski oddel
Pedijatriski oddel
Sistematski – Trudova Medicina
Internisticki oddel
Title: Comprehensive Medical Services at Biotek Polyclinic Skopje: Your Trusted Healthcare Partner
Welcome to Biotek Polyclinic Skopje, a leading healthcare institution dedicated to providing comprehensive and personalized medical services. With a commitment to excellence, our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and a team of experienced healthcare professionals, ensuring top-notch healthcare for our patients.
Why Choose Biotek Polyclinic Skopje?
1. **Multidisciplinary Approach:**
At Biotek Polyclinic, we take pride in our multidisciplinary approach to healthcare. Our team of skilled physicians, specialists, and support staff collaborate seamlessly to offer a holistic range of medical services. From preventive care to specialized treatments, we cater to diverse healthcare needs under one roof.
2. **Cutting-edge Technology:**
Keeping pace with advancements in medical technology is a priority at Biotek Polyclinic. Our facility is equipped with the latest diagnostic and therapeutic tools, ensuring accurate and efficient healthcare delivery. This commitment to technology allows us to offer precise diagnoses and effective treatment plans.
3. **Personalized Patient Care:**
We understand that each patient is unique, and healthcare should be tailored to individual needs. Biotek Polyclinic prioritizes personalized patient care, with physicians taking the time to understand your medical history, concerns, and goals. This patient-centric approach fosters a trusting doctor-patient relationship.
Medical Services at Biotek Polyclinic Skopje:
1. **Internal Medicine:**
Our internal medicine department focuses on preventing, diagnosing, and managing a wide range of adult health issues. From routine check-ups to complex medical conditions, our experienced internists provide comprehensive care.
2. **Specialized Services:**
Biotek Polyclinic offers a range of specialized medical services, including cardiology, dermatology, gastroenterology, and more. Our specialists bring expertise in their respective fields, ensuring accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans.
3. **Diagnostic Imaging:**
Our clinic is equipped with advanced diagnostic imaging services, including X-rays, CT scans, and ultrasound. These services aid in the timely and accurate diagnosis of various medical conditions, allowing for prompt and effective treatment.
4. **Women’s Health:**
The women’s health department at Biotek Polyclinic provides comprehensive care for women of all ages. From routine gynecological examinations to family planning and prenatal care, our team of compassionate healthcare professionals is dedicated to women’s well-being.
5. **Preventive Care:**
Prevention is a cornerstone of our healthcare philosophy. Biotek Polyclinic offers a range of preventive care services, including vaccinations, health screenings, and lifestyle counseling. Our goal is to empower patients to take proactive steps toward maintaining optimal health.
In summary, Biotek Polyclinic Skopje is your trusted partner in healthcare, offering a wide array of medical services with a commitment to excellence, technology, and personalized care. Whether you seek routine check-ups, specialized treatments, or preventive care, our experienced team is dedicated to providing the highest standard of healthcare. Your health is our priority, and at Biotek Polyclinic, we strive to be more than just a healthcare provider – we aim to be your partner in a healthier, happier life. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and experience the difference in healthcare excellence.
Title: Comprehensive Medical Services at Biotek Polyclinic Skopje: Your Trusted Healthcare Partner
Welcome to Biotek Polyclinic Skopje, a leading healthcare institution dedicated to providing comprehensive and personalized medical services. With a commitment to excellence, our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and a team of experienced healthcare professionals, ensuring top-notch healthcare for our patients.
Why Choose Biotek Polyclinic Skopje?
1. **Multidisciplinary Approach:**
At Biotek Polyclinic, we take pride in our multidisciplinary approach to healthcare. Our team of skilled physicians, specialists, and support staff collaborate seamlessly to offer a holistic range of medical services. From preventive care to specialized treatments, we cater to diverse healthcare needs under one roof.
2. **Cutting-edge Technology:**
Keeping pace with advancements in medical technology is a priority at Biotek Polyclinic. Our facility is equipped with the latest diagnostic and therapeutic tools, ensuring accurate and efficient healthcare delivery. This commitment to technology allows us to offer precise diagnoses and effective treatment plans.
3. **Personalized Patient Care:**
We understand that each patient is unique, and healthcare should be tailored to individual needs. Biotek Polyclinic prioritizes personalized patient care, with physicians taking the time to understand your medical history, concerns, and goals. This patient-centric approach fosters a trusting doctor-patient relationship.
Medical Services at Biotek Polyclinic Skopje:
1. **Internal Medicine:**
Our internal medicine department focuses on preventing, diagnosing, and managing a wide range of adult health issues. From routine check-ups to complex medical conditions, our experienced internists provide comprehensive care.
2. **Specialized Services:**
Biotek Polyclinic offers a range of specialized medical services, including cardiology, dermatology, gastroenterology, and more. Our specialists bring expertise in their respective fields, ensuring accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans.
3. **Diagnostic Imaging:**
Our clinic is equipped with advanced diagnostic imaging services, including X-rays, CT scans, and ultrasound. These services aid in the timely and accurate diagnosis of various medical conditions, allowing for prompt and effective treatment.
4. **Women’s Health:**
The women’s health department at Biotek Polyclinic provides comprehensive care for women of all ages. From routine gynecological examinations to family planning and prenatal care, our team of compassionate healthcare professionals is dedicated to women’s well-being.
5. **Preventive Care:**
Prevention is a cornerstone of our healthcare philosophy. Biotek Polyclinic offers a range of preventive care services, including vaccinations, health screenings, and lifestyle counseling. Our goal is to empower patients to take proactive steps toward maintaining optimal health.
In summary, Biotek Polyclinic Skopje is your trusted partner in healthcare, offering a wide array of medical services with a commitment to excellence, technology, and personalized care. Whether you seek routine check-ups, specialized treatments, or preventive care, our experienced team is dedicated to providing the highest standard of healthcare. Your health is our priority, and at Biotek Polyclinic, we strive to be more than just a healthcare provider – we aim to be your partner in a healthier, happier life. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and experience the difference in healthcare excellence.
Title: Comprehensive Medical Services at Biotek Polyclinic Skopje: Your Trusted Healthcare Partner
Welcome to Biotek Polyclinic Skopje, a leading healthcare institution dedicated to providing comprehensive and personalized medical services. With a commitment to excellence, our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and a team of experienced healthcare professionals, ensuring top-notch healthcare for our patients.
Why Choose Biotek Polyclinic Skopje?
1. **Multidisciplinary Approach:**
At Biotek Polyclinic, we take pride in our multidisciplinary approach to healthcare. Our team of skilled physicians, specialists, and support staff collaborate seamlessly to offer a holistic range of medical services. From preventive care to specialized treatments, we cater to diverse healthcare needs under one roof.
2. **Cutting-edge Technology:**
Keeping pace with advancements in medical technology is a priority at Biotek Polyclinic. Our facility is equipped with the latest diagnostic and therapeutic tools, ensuring accurate and efficient healthcare delivery. This commitment to technology allows us to offer precise diagnoses and effective treatment plans.
3. **Personalized Patient Care:**
We understand that each patient is unique, and healthcare should be tailored to individual needs. Biotek Polyclinic prioritizes personalized patient care, with physicians taking the time to understand your medical history, concerns, and goals. This patient-centric approach fosters a trusting doctor-patient relationship.
Medical Services at Biotek Polyclinic Skopje:
1. **Internal Medicine:**
Our internal medicine department focuses on preventing, diagnosing, and managing a wide range of adult health issues. From routine check-ups to complex medical conditions, our experienced internists provide comprehensive care.
2. **Specialized Services:**
Biotek Polyclinic offers a range of specialized medical services, including cardiology, dermatology, gastroenterology, and more. Our specialists bring expertise in their respective fields, ensuring accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans.
3. **Diagnostic Imaging:**
Our clinic is equipped with advanced diagnostic imaging services, including X-rays, CT scans, and ultrasound. These services aid in the timely and accurate diagnosis of various medical conditions, allowing for prompt and effective treatment.
4. **Women’s Health:**
The women’s health department at Biotek Polyclinic provides comprehensive care for women of all ages. From routine gynecological examinations to family planning and prenatal care, our team of compassionate healthcare professionals is dedicated to women’s well-being.
5. **Preventive Care:**
Prevention is a cornerstone of our healthcare philosophy. Biotek Polyclinic offers a range of preventive care services, including vaccinations, health screenings, and lifestyle counseling. Our goal is to empower patients to take proactive steps toward maintaining optimal health.
In summary, Biotek Polyclinic Skopje is your trusted partner in healthcare, offering a wide array of medical services with a commitment to excellence, technology, and personalized care. Whether you seek routine check-ups, specialized treatments, or preventive care, our experienced team is dedicated to providing the highest standard of healthcare. Your health is our priority, and at Biotek Polyclinic, we strive to be more than just a healthcare provider – we aim to be your partner in a healthier, happier life. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and experience the difference in healthcare excellence.
Title: Comprehensive Medical Services at Biotek Polyclinic Skopje: Your Trusted Healthcare Partner
Welcome to Biotek Polyclinic Skopje, a leading healthcare institution dedicated to providing comprehensive and personalized medical services. With a commitment to excellence, our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and a team of experienced healthcare professionals, ensuring top-notch healthcare for our patients.
Why Choose Biotek Polyclinic Skopje?
1. **Multidisciplinary Approach:**
At Biotek Polyclinic, we take pride in our multidisciplinary approach to healthcare. Our team of skilled physicians, specialists, and support staff collaborate seamlessly to offer a holistic range of medical services. From preventive care to specialized treatments, we cater to diverse healthcare needs under one roof.
2. **Cutting-edge Technology:**
Keeping pace with advancements in medical technology is a priority at Biotek Polyclinic. Our facility is equipped with the latest diagnostic and therapeutic tools, ensuring accurate and efficient healthcare delivery. This commitment to technology allows us to offer precise diagnoses and effective treatment plans.
3. **Personalized Patient Care:**
We understand that each patient is unique, and healthcare should be tailored to individual needs. Biotek Polyclinic prioritizes personalized patient care, with physicians taking the time to understand your medical history, concerns, and goals. This patient-centric approach fosters a trusting doctor-patient relationship.
Medical Services at Biotek Polyclinic Skopje:
1. **Internal Medicine:**
Our internal medicine department focuses on preventing, diagnosing, and managing a wide range of adult health issues. From routine check-ups to complex medical conditions, our experienced internists provide comprehensive care.
2. **Specialized Services:**
Biotek Polyclinic offers a range of specialized medical services, including cardiology, dermatology, gastroenterology, and more. Our specialists bring expertise in their respective fields, ensuring accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans.
3. **Diagnostic Imaging:**
Our clinic is equipped with advanced diagnostic imaging services, including X-rays, CT scans, and ultrasound. These services aid in the timely and accurate diagnosis of various medical conditions, allowing for prompt and effective treatment.
4. **Women’s Health:**
The women’s health department at Biotek Polyclinic provides comprehensive care for women of all ages. From routine gynecological examinations to family planning and prenatal care, our team of compassionate healthcare professionals is dedicated to women’s well-being.
5. **Preventive Care:**
Prevention is a cornerstone of our healthcare philosophy. Biotek Polyclinic offers a range of preventive care services, including vaccinations, health screenings, and lifestyle counseling. Our goal is to empower patients to take proactive steps toward maintaining optimal health.
In summary, Biotek Polyclinic Skopje is your trusted partner in healthcare, offering a wide array of medical services with a commitment to excellence, technology, and personalized care. Whether you seek routine check-ups, specialized treatments, or preventive care, our experienced team is dedicated to providing the highest standard of healthcare. Your health is our priority, and at Biotek Polyclinic, we strive to be more than just a healthcare provider – we aim to be your partner in a healthier, happier life. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and experience the difference in healthcare excellence.
Title: Comprehensive Medical Services at Biotek Polyclinic Skopje: Your Trusted Healthcare Partner
Welcome to Biotek Polyclinic Skopje, a leading healthcare institution dedicated to providing comprehensive and personalized medical services. With a commitment to excellence, our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and a team of experienced healthcare professionals, ensuring top-notch healthcare for our patients.
Why Choose Biotek Polyclinic Skopje?
1. **Multidisciplinary Approach:**
At Biotek Polyclinic, we take pride in our multidisciplinary approach to healthcare. Our team of skilled physicians, specialists, and support staff collaborate seamlessly to offer a holistic range of medical services. From preventive care to specialized treatments, we cater to diverse healthcare needs under one roof.
2. **Cutting-edge Technology:**
Keeping pace with advancements in medical technology is a priority at Biotek Polyclinic. Our facility is equipped with the latest diagnostic and therapeutic tools, ensuring accurate and efficient healthcare delivery. This commitment to technology allows us to offer precise diagnoses and effective treatment plans.
3. **Personalized Patient Care:**
We understand that each patient is unique, and healthcare should be tailored to individual needs. Biotek Polyclinic prioritizes personalized patient care, with physicians taking the time to understand your medical history, concerns, and goals. This patient-centric approach fosters a trusting doctor-patient relationship.
Medical Services at Biotek Polyclinic Skopje:
1. **Internal Medicine:**
Our internal medicine department focuses on preventing, diagnosing, and managing a wide range of adult health issues. From routine check-ups to complex medical conditions, our experienced internists provide comprehensive care.
2. **Specialized Services:**
Biotek Polyclinic offers a range of specialized medical services, including cardiology, dermatology, gastroenterology, and more. Our specialists bring expertise in their respective fields, ensuring accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans.
3. **Diagnostic Imaging:**
Our clinic is equipped with advanced diagnostic imaging services, including X-rays, CT scans, and ultrasound. These services aid in the timely and accurate diagnosis of various medical conditions, allowing for prompt and effective treatment.
4. **Women’s Health:**
The women’s health department at Biotek Polyclinic provides comprehensive care for women of all ages. From routine gynecological examinations to family planning and prenatal care, our team of compassionate healthcare professionals is dedicated to women’s well-being.
5. **Preventive Care:**
Prevention is a cornerstone of our healthcare philosophy. Biotek Polyclinic offers a range of preventive care services, including vaccinations, health screenings, and lifestyle counseling. Our goal is to empower patients to take proactive steps toward maintaining optimal health.
In summary, Biotek Polyclinic Skopje is your trusted partner in healthcare, offering a wide array of medical services with a commitment to excellence, technology, and personalized care. Whether you seek routine check-ups, specialized treatments, or preventive care, our experienced team is dedicated to providing the highest standard of healthcare. Your health is our priority, and at Biotek Polyclinic, we strive to be more than just a healthcare provider – we aim to be your partner in a healthier, happier life. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and experience the difference in healthcare excellence.
Title: Comprehensive Medical Services at Biotek Polyclinic Skopje: Your Trusted Healthcare Partner
Welcome to Biotek Polyclinic Skopje, a leading healthcare institution dedicated to providing comprehensive and personalized medical services. With a commitment to excellence, our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and a team of experienced healthcare professionals, ensuring top-notch healthcare for our patients.
Why Choose Biotek Polyclinic Skopje?
1. **Multidisciplinary Approach:**
At Biotek Polyclinic, we take pride in our multidisciplinary approach to healthcare. Our team of skilled physicians, specialists, and support staff collaborate seamlessly to offer a holistic range of medical services. From preventive care to specialized treatments, we cater to diverse healthcare needs under one roof.
2. **Cutting-edge Technology:**
Keeping pace with advancements in medical technology is a priority at Biotek Polyclinic. Our facility is equipped with the latest diagnostic and therapeutic tools, ensuring accurate and efficient healthcare delivery. This commitment to technology allows us to offer precise diagnoses and effective treatment plans.
3. **Personalized Patient Care:**
We understand that each patient is unique, and healthcare should be tailored to individual needs. Biotek Polyclinic prioritizes personalized patient care, with physicians taking the time to understand your medical history, concerns, and goals. This patient-centric approach fosters a trusting doctor-patient relationship.
Medical Services at Biotek Polyclinic Skopje:
1. **Internal Medicine:**
Our internal medicine department focuses on preventing, diagnosing, and managing a wide range of adult health issues. From routine check-ups to complex medical conditions, our experienced internists provide comprehensive care.
2. **Specialized Services:**
Biotek Polyclinic offers a range of specialized medical services, including cardiology, dermatology, gastroenterology, and more. Our specialists bring expertise in their respective fields, ensuring accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans.
3. **Diagnostic Imaging:**
Our clinic is equipped with advanced diagnostic imaging services, including X-rays, CT scans, and ultrasound. These services aid in the timely and accurate diagnosis of various medical conditions, allowing for prompt and effective treatment.
4. **Women’s Health:**
The women’s health department at Biotek Polyclinic provides comprehensive care for women of all ages. From routine gynecological examinations to family planning and prenatal care, our team of compassionate healthcare professionals is dedicated to women’s well-being.
5. **Preventive Care:**
Prevention is a cornerstone of our healthcare philosophy. Biotek Polyclinic offers a range of preventive care services, including vaccinations, health screenings, and lifestyle counseling. Our goal is to empower patients to take proactive steps toward maintaining optimal health.
In summary, Biotek Polyclinic Skopje is your trusted partner in healthcare, offering a wide array of medical services with a commitment to excellence, technology, and personalized care. Whether you seek routine check-ups, specialized treatments, or preventive care, our experienced team is dedicated to providing the highest standard of healthcare. Your health is our priority, and at Biotek Polyclinic, we strive to be more than just a healthcare provider – we aim to be your partner in a healthier, happier life. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and experience the difference in healthcare excellence.
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